
Updated: May 2023

Golf Groups

Below is a complete list of Golf Groups at Rancho La Quinta. If you wish to participate in a specific group or have inquiries for any of the Group Leaders, please email the group leader by clicking on a name below:

Group Name Member Lead Play Date(s) Start Time Buy-In Handicap
19th Hole Guys
Larry Smith
Ken Robertson
M  |  W  |  F 9:30 AM N/A N/A
Banditos Gene Blakeslee M  |  W 8:30 AM $20 25 Maximum
Bandits Ben Mausar TU  |  TH  |  SA 8:50 AM $20 18 Maximum
Chicks with Sticks Karen McColeman
Cathie Cribari
W 8:00 AM N/A N/A
Bill Zolbert
Bob Popeney
M  |  F
10:00 AM
18 Maximum
Desperados Gary Moore TU  |  TH 8:00 AM $10 N/A
Friday Group
John Staaf
Jack Kocak
F 11:00 AM N/A 25 Maximum
Friday Regulars Grant Johnson F 10:10 AM $10 25 Maximum
Shane Karns
Don Roth
M  |  W  |  F
11:30 AM
18 Maximum
Niners Goldie Enger
Debbie Breslawsky
W 10:10 AM Membership N/A
Putters Lori Duggan
Elaine Cooper
M 10:00 AM $1 N/A
Rancheros Steve Maita M  |  W  |  F 7:50 AM N/A N/A
Roadrunners Dave Sunker M  |  W  |  F 8:30 AM $20 9 Maximum
Summer Crew Travis Marr Su 8:30 AM $20 18 Maximum
The Game Tim Golden Sa 9:40 AM $30 9 Maximum
Tuesday Regulars Grant Johnson TU 10:10 AM N/A 25 Maximum
Wednesday Guys Stafford McKergow W 9:50 AM $10 25 Maximum
Nancy Hoban
Sally Stack (Membership)
TU  |  TH
8:00 AM
3 Point Game John Boyle TU  |  TH 10:00 | 11:00 AM $20 9 Maximum

Updated: January 2025

Golf Committee Members

Laurie Abraham, Chuck Angevine, Peter Doubleday, Bruce Haslerud, Cindy Louws, Mike Williams (Chair), Dick Wilmot

Should you have any questions or comments for the committee regarding the golf experience at Rancho La Quinta, please drop them in our virtual suggestion box:

Send Additional Feedback

Thank you again for your feedback, for your enthusiasm, and for your participation in formulating this plan to better our community!

Committee Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2024 October 15, 2024  
September 9, 2024 July 16, 2024 June 16, 2024
April 8, 2024 March 11, 2024 February 12, 2024
January 15, 2024 December 11, 2023 November 14, 2023
April 18, 2023 March 21, 2023 February 20, 2023
January 18, 2023 December 21, 2022 November 16, 2022
Updated: June 2023

The Golf Strategic Plan

The Golf Committee has created a Strategic Plan ("the Plan") for the Rancho La Quinta golf program. Heavy emphasis was placed on “the golf experience” as well as golf course conditions, amenities and maintenance. During every step of the way we counted on the inputs and comments from our Membership. The Plan was presented to the HOA Board of Directors, approved and adopted in May of 2023. As you read through the Plan you will see items, goals, and the people responsible for ensuring that these come to pass. We look forward to the future of Golf at Rancho La Quinta with this plan in place.

View the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan

Updated: September 2023

Golf Member Orientation Booklet

Rancho La Quinta is an incredible Golf community to be part of and maintaining the highest level of decorum at our Club is of the utmost priority. Your fellow golfers and staff thank you for your attention to detail and expert skills in ensuring that you abide by all rules, standards, and etiquette practices observed at the Club. If you are a new Golf Member or someone that has been able to experience Golf at Rancho La Quinta for many years, the Golf Management Team encourages you to review and continue exhibiting the core tenants that make for an enjoyable overall Golf experience from start to finish. View the printable booklet by clicking below.

Updated: July 2023


Applies to all Members and Guests including children
  1. Shirts and shoes are required at all times except while inside the pool area.
  2. Tank tops are not permitted at any time.
  3. Bare midriffs, cut-offs and swimwear without a cover-up are not permitted at any time while using any Club facility; appropriate coverings are required in the transition between pool activities and locker rooms or the Cantina at the Racquet Club.
  4. Men’s hats are not permitted when dining inside at any Club facility.
  5. Hats must be worn forward when dining outdoors.
  6. Shorts, skirts, or dresses must be no shorter than mid-thigh length.
  7. Denim is allowed but must be in good order; frayed, distressed, or tattered denim is not permitted at any Club facility regardless of the cost.
  8. Ripped or torn clothing of any kind is not permitted at any time.
  9. Shoes must be worn at all times; with the exception of being inside or around the main Club pool area.
  10. Men’s flip flops are welcome except during dinner hours at the Main Clubhouse.
Club Management has the discretion to allow exceptions to all dress code policies and procedures, i.e., event theme exception.

Golf Course

  1. All Members, Guests, and/or children must wear appropriate golf shoes.
  2. All Men’s shirts must be collared.
  3. All Men’s shirts must be tucked-in
  4. Men’s Bermuda shorts must be of an appropriate length.
  5. Hats must be worn forward at all times.
  6. Tee shirts, tank tops, halter tops or denim are not permitted, as well as tennis, pickleball or fitness attire.
  7.  Ladies golf shirts must have either a collar (traditional or mock) or sleeves.
  8.  Ladies may wear shorts, dresses, skirts or skorts which are no shorter than mid-thigh length.  Leggings or tights are not permitted unless worn under one of the previous mention items.
  9. All Members, Guests, and/or children are expected wear appropriate golf attire while using either golf course, driving range, or putting green(s) and chipping areas.
Management reserves the right to override the above dress code for special events and tournaments.

Dining Facilities

The Main Clubhouse
  1. Collared shirts for men are required indoors and outdoors during dinner.
  2. Tommy Bahama style shirts and others designed to be untucked may be worn untucked.
  3. Button-down style shirts must be tucked unless designed to be untucked.
  4. Polo style shirts must be tucked.
  5. Halter and midriff tops are not permitted.
  6. Shorts, skirts, or dresses must be no shorter than mid-thigh length.
  7. Tennis attire may only be worn while dining outdoors on the patio prior to dinner hours at the Main Clubhouse.
  8. Men’s flip flops are welcome except during dinner hours at the Main Clubhouse.
  9. Ladies may wear hats while dining indoors or outdoors except during dinner hours at the Main Clubhouse.
The Cantina 
  1. Tennis attire may be worn while dining indoors or outdoors.
  2. V-neck and tennis style tee shirts may be worn any time.
  3. Swimwear with appropriate coverings are permitted only at the Cantina while dining outdoors on the patio.
  4. Shoes or sandals must be worn.
The Turn
  1. Tennis attire may be worn while dining indoors or outdoors.
  2. Golf attire may be worn while dining indoors or outdoors.

Racquet Club

  1. All Members, Guests, and/or children must wear appropriate tennis, fitness or swim attire while using the fitness facilities, pool, and Tennis, Bocce and Pickleball courts.
  2. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times while on any Tennis, Pickleball, or Bocce ball court as well as while using the Fitness Center.
  3. Appropriate court shoes are required when entering or playing on the tennis or pickleball courts.
Tennis / Pickleball Attire
  1. Cotton t-shirts with non RLQ prints are not permitted at any time.
  2. Men’s tennis shirts with or without collars may be worn.
  3. Ladies’ tennis tops (sleeveless, classic tee, collared, or halter) may be worn.
  4. Regulation court shoes must be worn while playing any racquet sport.
Fitness Attire
  1. Appropriate gym attire must be worn at all times while using the fitness Center.
  2. Men’s tank tops are not permitted at any time.
  3. All shorts must be of an appropriate length and fit.
  4. Revealing gym attire may not be worn at any time.
Updated: September 2023

2023 Fall Overseed Schedule

With summer winding down, the RLQ Golf Course Maintenance team is beginning to prepare for our annual Fall overseed process. For those unfamiliar with overseeding, this process is the key to how we maintain our beautiful course conditions all season long. Overseed begins with the “scalping” of the summer Bermuda grass in which the heights of the Bermuda grass are lowered to provide the opportunity for the Ryegrass seed to grow. This is important as it will ensure a happy, healthy stand throughout the golf season.

As we move closer to the course closure dates, tees, fairways, and approaches will appear to be raised in height. This is because the height of the grass grants the machinery used to “scalp” a better quality of cut and takes less passes to achieve the final result.

Use the following approximate dates to guide you as you plan to play your next round:
Monday, September 11
Begin scalping Pate Course rough starting at Hole 1 and moving forward in sequential order. The Golf Shop recommends playing the Jones Course  this week though both courses are open.

Monday, September 18
Begin scalping Jones Course rough starting at Hole 10 through Hole 18, then continuing to Hole 1 through 9. The Golf Shop recommends playing the Pate Course  this week though both courses are open.

Monday, September 25
Scalping of tees and fairways begins.

Monday, October 2
Jones Course will remain open while scalping tees and fairways. During this week the starter will recommend the path of least resistance where your round will be least disturbed. There will be approximately 3-4 holes that are being scalped, blown, and vacuumed at a time. *

Saturday, October 7

Wednesday, October 11
Pate Course seeding will begin with the Jones Course seeding to follow upon completion. Our goal is to have the seeding completed by the middle of the following week and have water on in all areas.

Wednesday, October 18
Seeding of both courses complete.

Thursday, November 9
Practice facilities open.
Demo Day Event

Saturday, November 11
Both courses open for Season.
7:30 AM and 12:30 PM Shotgun Starts

*The Maintenance crew will need to complete this process during play to both maximize the amount of time the courses are open and ensure a successful overseed process. 

Please note: Pesticides are periodically applied on the golf course during the entire year, including the summer months. Material Safety Data Sheets are located at the Main Clubhouse office should you require any additional information. Dates are subject to change based on environmental conditions.

We look forward to opening day and the start of the upcoming 2023-2024 Season along with all the great events it will bring!​